Our LLV tube radiant heater devices have been part of our product catalogue for more than 15 years, at the beginning there were only 3 sizes of them, but today you can order them in five sizes and as regards their construction there have been some significant changes. The most defining element of device quality is that we use only the best materials during the production, such as:
- Aluminium lamellae that can be adjusted in many directions
- Long-wearing, massive electric controller/distributing boards
- First-class blow-off ventilator made in Europe
The destratifier ventilators cannot be used only for the returning of the hot air got stuck in the upper stratums of air to the target area. They are perfectly suitable for ventilation, air circulation and heat recovery tasks with the application of appropriate ventilation shaft elements.
If you had any questions in connection with the above mentioned application, please, contact our colleagues at any time.