sötétsugárzó, hőlégbefúvó, termoventilátor, infrasugárzó, csarnok fűtés



We have been manufacturing and selling our GH ceramic heaters for more than 20 years now during which period we managed to create the highest possible quality device due to the continuous research and development. One defining element of quality is that we use only the best materials during the production, like:

  • Heat-proof ceramic plates up to 1200 °C
  • Honeywell magnetic valve and ignition controlling electronics
  • Robust and resistant enamelled mixing house
  • Simple and easy-to-assemble reflecting shield
Unfortunately the industrial application of ceramic heaters has fallen into the background recently the reason of which is that combustion gases get stuck in the rooms and the other reason is the weak energy efficiency of the additional ventilating system to remove the combustion gases. But today with modern air circulators it is easy to create a heat recovering ventilating–fresh air blowing in system that provides the safe removal of combustion gases through a cross-direction heat exchanger in way that the blown-in air is heated up with the heat of the combustion gases. The efficiency of the heat exchanging can be as high as 98% depending on the applied technology.